تعرف على البرمجة المكانية spatial programming

Learn about spatial programming and its applications

Learn about spatial programming and its applications. spatial programming With the development of technology and the emergence of robots in human life it requires the existence of languages.

and techniques to deal with the smart pieces around us so I found spatial programming OSP.

Spatial programing It is the training of the objects of the objects and behaviors we do in our daily lives to respond to the service you want in your life.

giving an experience of artificial intelligence in your life.
For more explanation in is like training sniffer dogs or circus animals.

but here we train technical objects to do what we want them to do.

Where here with the availability of computer vision, neural networks and other complex actions associated with your orders. For example.

you want to play certain music but work according to the movement of your dance. Play a music player.

for example mp3 or any other device such as radio and connect it with the application of training.

Here I found a new way of interacting with users and the environment that surrounds them.

Know the specifications of the device required to run any game before buying or downloading it

There are a lot of applications for spatial programming to see examples of them presented by your video:


You can search on google for more specific information about spatiaal programming.

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