The most prominent information security technologies for the world in 2017.
The Gartner Foundation has highlighted the most prominent information security technologies.
That affect the work of companies and companies in the world in 2017, including:
-Storage pads work on the cloud
The hybrid cloud workloads for information security leaders provide a comprehensive
and integrated way to protect workloads, using a unified management console .
and a unified route to implement their security policy.
Remote browser.
Almost all successful attacks originate from the public Internet,
and browser-based attacks are the main source of attacks on users.
Information security solutions designers can not stop these attacks,.
but they can contain their damage by isolating end-user Internet browsing sessions from the company’s peripherals and networks..
Fraud and deception.
By using fraud detection technology that goes beyond the boundaries of corporate firewalls.
companies can better detect attackers who have infiltrated their defenses with a high level of confidence,
and in light of the events that have been detected.
Detection and Response of Terminals.
EDR detection and response solutions enhance traditional protective controls for peripherals.
such as antivirus software,
by monitoring terminals for evidence of suspicious behaviors and activities that indicate malicious intent.
Gartner forecasts that 80% of large enterprises, 25% of medium-sized enterprises and 10% of small enterprises .
will focus their investment on EDR detection and response capabilities by 2020.
The most prominent information security technologies for the world in 2017
Analysis of data traffic on the network.
Is one of the most prominent information security technologies.
Companies seeking to adopt a web-based methodology to determine the nature of advanced attacks.
that have exceeded the boundaries of the security fence should consider network traffic analysis to help identify,
manage, and sort these events.
Detection techniques and managed response.
Managed detection and response delivery companies provide services to buyers looking to improve threat detection; incident response, and continuous monitoring capabilities.
but do not have the experience or resources to do so alone.
Retail mini.
Mini-Retail is the process of implementing isolation and fragmentation for security purposes within the default data center.
Software-aware environments.
Software-defined environments define a logical group of networked and heterogeneous participants within a secure computing sector.
Gartner forecasts that at least 10 percent of enterprises will benefit from software-aware environments to isolate critical environments by 2017.
Brokers are safe access to the cloud.
Secure access to the cloud provides security experts with a single point of control for multiple services,
and at the same time, any user or device.
Open source security check and DevSecOps software package analysis.
Information security solution designers should have the ability to integrate security controls automatically without the need for manual configuration throughout the DevSecOps cycle.
Data container security.
Container security solutions protect the entire lifecycle of containers,
from inception to production. Most data security solutions provide pre-production inspection mechanisms, as well as; monitoring and protection during operational time.
Gartner experts and analysts will address these techniques in detail during the Gartner Summit on Security and Risk Management 2017, to be held in Dubai.
The most prominent information security technologies for the world in 2017.