The Lezr Network website is an Arab network that includes a group of Arab youth in the field of technology and information security, each in their specialization.

The Lezr network contains scientific and technical topics that are concerned with operating systems, smart phones, programming, information technology, information security and technology news…

Lezr Network aims to enrich the Arabic content with new and distinctive content, interest in modern news, scientific and educational articles, offering courses and writing books in various technical disciplines. As a laser network allows those interested to join it and participate in developing useful content for users.

The Lezr store for digital products is the first digital store in Yemen to sell digital products, official programs, and subscriptions to programs for computers, iPads, and mobile phones. As we provide them at the best prices.

A Lezr network created by the laser IT team. The Lezr Network is one of the social, community and commercial projects affiliated with the Lezr Company on the Internet, providing licenses, programs and digital products at the best prices suitable for all.

You can read the rest of the details about us on the Lezr Company website.