The ten most popular content management systems used to build websites
We had talked in some detail and expanded about content management systems in a previous article .
these systems through which websites can be built simply .
and custom interfaces designed for a quick launch without the need to program the site from scratch.
in this article we will present the ten most renowned content management systems .
And the most commonly used on the Internet in general.
we will rely on accurate and updated statistics on the use of these systems to build websites.
the order is based on the most used or the least.
and this list includes free and open source systems in addition to paid systems.
but as it is noted that open source systems It is the most common and most common.
Also, this statistic is based on the first 10 million websites in terms of visits and browsing.
meaning that marginal and neglected sites are not taken into account.
The statistic shown in the above image indicates that more than 60 percent of websites do not use content management systems or that they do not use systems.
known to the owners of the statistics.
maybe they are simple sites or sites that use their own systems that have been developed, and this statistic is useful .
To know the different types of content management systems.
in the table the systems that are used in 0.1% or more of the websites are mentioned.
while the systems used in less than this percentage are mentioned below without a percentage.
, and a wide range of these systems can be identified through these Statistical.
WordPress is the most popular system for building websites, numerous specialists, developers .
and even amateurs know this system.
It is characterized by simplicity and the provision of numerous plugins .
that can transform the website into any field, and make it full of features and services.
through statistics it shows that WordPress is used In just less than a quarter of all internet sites.
and it is used in about 60% of all websites that use content management systems.
this large number shows us the wide use of this system, and the following is some information about WordPress.
- The project was launched in May 2003 as a branched version of a system called b2/cafelog
- There are more than 30 thousand plugins for this system
- There are numerous, many free and non-free ready-made templates for this system
- The market for selling wordpress templates is one of the most thriving digital markets
The Joomla system is one of the systems that have gained popularity and popularity.
especially for building websites for companies and institutions.
Statistics show that this system is used in more than 7% of websites that use content management systems.
It is a free and open source system that receives good attention from developers and there are numerous contributors In the development of the system.
and the development of its software extensions.
and there is a booming market in the field of development and programming of add-ons as well as templates.
not all add-ons are free.
but there are paid add-ons and the official website sponsors this digital market.
The Joomla system is well organized, and it is also an easy system to install.
control and manage compared to some other systems such as Dorbal, for example.
the article management system is extensive and has most options and features.
, so this system is suitable for building websites specialized in providing various articles arranged in several classifications Or to build news websites.
Here is some information about Joomla:
- The system was launched in August 2005 as an offshoot of the older system ( Mambo ).
- The latest version of it is currently 3.4 and you can upgrade from the older version 2.5
- One of its drawbacks is the large number of hacks in it, particularly in old versions that are no longer supported
Drupal system is a free and open source system for building a wide range of websites.
It is one of the most powerful content management systems, although it is not the most widely used system in building sites, but statistics indicate that it is used in large sites with high traffic.
(the numerous visitors), and numerous of the Official websites use this system because of its higher security than other systems (such as the US White House website).
as well as for its ease of molding and assortment as the developer wants to build any type of website.
One of the important features of Drupal is that it is highly bendy (flixable).
as it can be configured as the developer wants according to the need. It uses a system of software additions called .
(modules) or (modules), through some modules such as ( Views ) the stored data can be used to create pages A new problem as the developer wants it simply and smoothly and without going back to the code.
Here is some information about the Durbal system:
- It was developed by (Dries Buytaert) in 2001 as a forum system initially
- The official Durbal community has over a million users
- There are more than 30,000 free software add-ons (modules)
- The latest version is currently the seventh, while the eighth version is still in the experimental stage
The statistic shows that the third place is Blogger, which is a tool for building blogs and a service hosted by Google.
so it is not considered an integrated content management system that can be downloaded and installed on a private hosting or modified its code in accordance with the needs of the site owner.
so we will move To the Magento system, which ranked fourth in statistics, which is an e-commerce system, for building online buying and selling sites (virtual or digital stores).
Through statistics.
it turns out that the Magento system is the most widely used among the e-commerce systems. It is a professional system launched by Varien in 2007, and by 2011 this system became owned by (eBay) after the latter acquired the original company.
There are two versions of the system, a free and open source version (Community Edition) and another version that is not free for companies and for the most professional and serious use.
(Enterprise Edition), Magento is not the only free system for building e-commerce sites.
there are numerous free and non-free systems, there is a page The Wikipedia contains a comparison of these systems.
There are many characteristics and features that motivate users to use this system to build virtual stores.
the most important of which is that it is owned by a specialized company and there is seriousness in developing the system.
so there is a continual development of the system and filling the gaps and other features. Here is some information about this system:
- It was developed by some of the older e-commerce platform developers osCommerce
- It captures about 30% of the market for e-commerce systems on the Internet.
- Built with PHP and Zend Framework
TYPO3 is a free and open source content management system under the ( GNU General Public License ) built in PHP.
and it is one of the well-known and used systems.
particularly in Europe and specifically in German-speaking countries.
Developed in 1997.
There are numerous extensions called (Extensions) through which features can be added to the system in order to build websites in a more professional and specialized way.
The system uses a setup and design language called (TypoScript) through which the system can be configured more professionally .
and also used In designing templates for the system to change the look of the site.
In the repository of software add-ons for the system.
which is called ( Extension Repository ), there are more than a thousand add-ons that can be downloaded and installed in the system for custom functions.
Get to know this system and start using it. There is a special package in the Arabic language for Arabizing the system, but unfortunately it is not updated to the latest version of the system.
and there is no Arabic support site. The system can be tested through this link .
We return again to e-commerce systems, those systems that provide you with the easiest solutions to launch your virtual store and start selling your products online via the Internet.
this time the PrestaShop system comes in moment place among e-commerce systems in terms of spread and use, it is a free and open source system.
It is one of the new systems in this field, as it was launched in 2011.
but despite that it has risen rapidly and is now one of the preferred and desirable systems for building virtual stores on the Internet.
It can be considered a contemporary system with a high design and usability.
Its design and architecture are compatible with various devices such as smartphones and tablets.
You can read this page to memorize about the advantages and disadvantages of this system.
but in brief, its most important advantages are that it is light and flexible.
and it has a distinctive user interface and is compatible with search engines (SEO).
and has the virtue of displaying recently viewed products and other characteristics.
The most important disadvantages are the high cost Plugins that provide extra features.
The system is translated into 65 languages, including Arabic, but it is not a 100% complete translation.
Bitrix24 is a system dedicated to large companies and institutions, a large system with many integrated tools and features that can be used in the field of finance and commerce.
it is, for example, a project management system.
and it is also a social network that brings together the company’s employees and provides the opportunity of effective communication among them.
and it is also a dossier management system .
other uses and properties.
It is not a free system, and the cost of purchasing a copy is high (more than 3 thousand dollars).
there is a hosted version of the system that can be subscribed to by monthly payment or used for free for 12 users only.
5 tips to improve the visibility of your website on the Internet
I think that this system is well-known and renowned in the whole world before social media.
vBulletin is a system for building forums.
and although it is not a free system.
its extensive confiscation and its many additions have made it the most used on the Internet for building forums.
it has been developed in recent years and added many social features that are used In social networks, which made it more professional and effective.
there are currently two versions of the system, a version (vBulletin 5 Connect).
that can be downloaded and installed specifically on the server or hosting, which costs 249 dollars.
and there is the cloud version that allows building a hosted forum and paying a monthly subscription So.
The beginning of this system was in 2000 .
when James Limm and John Percival were running a site specialized in the programming language (Visual Basic).
and because they wanted to develop the site and make it better.
they decided to develop special programming for their site.
and then they decided to sell some copies of this program For anyone who wants, the journey of this system began.
OpenCart is a free and open source system for building e-commerce websites.
Lots of free resources and templates are available, as well as add-ons. Among the features it provides:
- Supports building multilingual websites
- Provides features for rating and reviewing products by users
- Provides the ability to download digital products
- The property of related and related products
- Discounts and offers feature
- Configure pages for SEO
- Backup and restore tools
The system can be tried through this official page , and the add- ons repository contains numerous free and non-free software and add-ons.
DataLife Engine
This system is a Russian content management system, and it is well-known and widely.
used in Russian and Iranian websites, as there is a Persian technical support site for this system.
Here we come to the conclusion of this article.
These are some of the noted systems for building websites.
It remains to tell us your opinion and tell us from your experience provided you have used one of these systems.
or any other system.
The ten most popular content management systems used to build websites
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