Know about the largest 3D printer with video definition

Have you heard of a 3D printer?

GE Additive, a new subsidiary of parent company General Electric, which specializes in the supply of 3D printers and engineering materials and consultancy services.

announced at the Paris Air Show that it is developing the world’s largest 3D laser printer.

The new printer is printing the parts through the use of metal powder.

The company plans to provide factory models next year so that they can start manufacturing spare parts for aircraft.

automotive products, and oil, gas and power plants.

The announcement comes as the growth of the 3D printing business grows.

and the company plans to unveil the final version of the printer in November during the Formancast Show in Frankfurt, Germany.

The prototype of the Atlas printer can print objects up to one meter in two directions.

such as length and width, using titanium, aluminum and other metals instead of the plastics, resins.

and threads used by many commercial and consumer printers.

This means that a full block of the car or truck can be printed, for example.

allowing the replacement of specialized machines and tools required to produce such types of products within the factories.

Once the production is ready next year, the printer can print up to 1 meter Any direction.

While General Electric is busy working on the laser-powered Atlas printer, Volkswagen Vw gets benefits by following the more traditional three-dimensional approach.

German automaker announced this week that engineers .

and technicians are using Ultimaker 3 and Ultimaker 2+ Its factory is in Portugal.

Printers at the Volkswagen plant, which produces 100,000 cars a year, produce tools designed specifically for the 4,000 factory workers, such as scales and fittings, instead of printing the same auto parts.

The company added that 3D printers are currently producing 93 percent of the tools used by the Autorupa plant.

which was obtained through external suppliers.

which allowed the provision of $ 150,000 last year, allowing the company to save time and cost and produce more tools Much benefit in their daily operations because they are tailored to their needs.

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